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Marianela de la Hoz Logo

Hasta el Ultimo Detalle

By Mirna Calzada

Facing these miniatures becomes an act of weaving a conversation between whispers that get lost in the tangle of an enormous world. Marianela de la Hoz, with her work, makes us think, be alive, react to the minuscule. I cannot agree that large formats are therefore great works per se, on the contrary, it is in the small, but forceful reflections of this artist, where I find that size is not what matters, that the impact of the large format is not necessarily art, and that rather, we should focus more often on the tiny details that are the reflection that builds, little by little, our life.

It turns out that in these small creations, Marianela de la Hoz fragments and limits the empty attention that is normally given to plastic work; they are a resting space surrounded by an air of overwhelming indifference. With their identity, they exceed the viewer's expectations by giving them the opportunity to fix their eyes on the details that we let go, unnoticed.



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