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Punto de Partida - Turning Point

As an award recipient of the 2014 San Diego Art Prize, a recognition of excellence in the visual art scene presented by SD Visual Arts Network, I worked in this series of paintings titled Point of Departure presented at the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library.

"Point of Departure" has a wide range of possibilities and meanings. With these paintings I explore the departure point of old people who are about to finish their paths in life and the children that are just beginning theirs, I think that when old and young get together there is a common language in fantasy.

Time lasts as Long as he wants. Each one of us is like a clock, tick-tocking in continual reiteration, until the machinery seizes to work.

We enter into the circle of time and life. We are born and die riding the wave of the small amount of time that corresponds to each one of us.

In the circle of life, life and death touch ends.



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