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Art transforms reality into painted images.

Painted transformation of images through symbols. Emblems and poetry

Artworks in which the main characters go through noticeable changes in character, appearance, function or condition, expressed trough symbols, emblems and poetry

A constant in my work is the use of symbols, metaphors, poetic remarks and theatrical scenes in which I express my deep interest in the concepts of time and duality.

Each one of us has been granted a certain amount of time. Every second, every minute, every hour of our lives, time makes us change. In a constant state of transistasis, our lives experience changes either through a conscious self-decision to change something, or experience change influenced by external facts we cannot control.

Everything new that we learn, see, listen, imagine and dream is constantly provoking a change in our minds and knowledge. Economics, political crises, natural disasters, or illness can change our well being too.

In my own life I have been through major metamorphosis, from being a small child, dreaming of becoming an artist, to a young girl, afraid of not being good enough to be an artist. And again, of being a grown up that at last recognized she could not be something else but an artist.



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